find out how much you're owed

Just one Curve For Artists portal grants you access to all statements &sale data from your record labels & publishers using the Curve platform. A drop down menu at the top of your portal allows you to switch between statements.

The homepage of your portal, the Dashboard, provides an overview of your recent statements. Click into your preferred statement, or scroll down to see your latest statement. You will be welcomed by key statistics from your latest statement & a visual analysis of your sales & costs.

OPENING BALANCE – Any unpaid royalties or unrecouped advances carried over from the previous royalty period.
NET REVENUE – The amount you have earned this period.
NET COSTS – Any costs recouped against your royalties this period.
RESERVES WITHHELD – Any monies your label has withheld against this period.
RESERVES RELEASED – Any monies withheld in previous periods now being releasing in this one.
CLOSING BALANCE –  The total amount due to you. ie = Opening Balance + Net Revenue – Net Costs + Net Reserves

Scrolling further down, the page displays various breakdowns of the make-up of the royalties. It shows the top formats, sources & territories, by revenues generated. At the bottom of the page, Curve provides a chart of the top-earning tracks & releases.

PDF versions of your statements are available via the Download button on the top right of the artist portal. For more detail, you can opt to download a line by line breakdown of all your sales & costs by downloading the All Sales CSV and All Costs CSV. How you can read these files is defined in this blog post.

Which figure represents what I get paid?


How can I receive payment of what's due to me?


What are the differences between all the statement files I can download from my portal?

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